Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor $5,000 and higher
o Business Logo & name on an individual larger banner display at the event and any other events
o Mention on radio spot advertising
o Business Logo & name on Chatham Kinsmen website with link to your website for 2 years
o Business Logo & name of all forms of advertising
o Mention on the lawn signs
o Receive Certificate of Recognition for sponsorship
Gold Sponsor $1,000
o Business Logo & name on sponsorship banner displayed at the event
o Business Logo & name on Chatham Kinsmen website with link to your website for 1 year
o Business Logo & name of all forms of advertising
o Receive Certificate of Recognition for sponsorship
Silver Sponsor $500
o Business Logo only on sponsorship banner displayed at the event
o Business name only on Chatham Kinsmen website with link to your website 1 year
o Business Name mention on all Advertising
o Receive Certificate of Recognition for sponsorship
Bronze Sponsor $300
o Business name only on sponsorship banner displayed at the event
o Business name only on Chatham Kinsmen website with link to your website 1 year
o Business name mentioned on all Advertising
o Receive Certificate of Recognition for sponsorship
(Please return by May 26, 2022 so we can meet newspaper and/or radio deadlines)
Company Name: ______________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ Postal Code: _______________________
Phone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________
Website: _____________________________________________________
Contribution to Chatham Kinsmen Club in support of Chatham Kinsmen Festival
Platinum Sponsor $5,000 higher
Gold Sponsor -
Silver Sponsor-
Bronze Sponsor-